Nazier, F. 2020. (R)emembering, (Dis)membering, (Re)imaging and imagining): In response to Freedom or Death in Freedom or Death by Gideon Mendel. AVAILABLE ONLINE
Nazier, F. 2016. Thinking Making: Thinking/Making: A Discussion of Method in the Emerging Arts Activist Programme's Chewing the Cud and Angry Youth Workshops. AVAILABLE ONLINE
Nazier, F. 2014. Beyond the ‘After Math’: exploring psychological decolonisation in a post-apartheid context of artistic praxis. Critical Arts Journal: South-North Cultural and Media Studies. 29 (2). 199 -215. AVAILABLE ONLINE
Nazier, F. 2012. Building from the Ground Up. LAP Lambert Academic Publishers: Germany
Nazier, F. 2010. A Critical Review of Widening Access Strategies in South African Higher Education. FADA Research 2010 Newsletter AVAILABLE ONLINE
Conference presentations & Colloquia
- Freedom or Death Exhibition and Book launch: Gideon Mendel Opening speech, 2020. AVAILABLE HERE
- Curatorial Care Conference 2018 Research Paper Presentation at University of Johannesburg, VIAD. AVAILABLE ONLINE IN 2019
- UJ Teaching and Learning Symposium 2018 Presentation at University of Johannesburg, Academic Development
- Contemporay Jewellery Forum Seminar 2018 Convener at University of Johannesburg, with Dr. Kevin Murray RMIT
- Neville Alexander Commemorative Conference 2018 Respondant to Antonia Dardar at University of Johannesburg, CERT
-Designing Apartheid Workshop and Symposium 2018 Curator and Facilitator at Apartheid Museum, George Bizos Gallery
-UJ Women's Day Event 2018 Panelist at UJ Library. MORE AVAILABLE ONLINE
-Contemporary Jewellery Forum 2017 Convener at University of Johannesburg, with Chris De Beer, Liz Loubser, Geraldine Fenn, Veronica Anderson, Carolla Ross, Dave Newman AVAILABLE ONLINE
-Apartheid Museum Women's Day Event 2016 Guest Speaker at Apartheid Museum, with Eusebius Mckaizer AVALABLE ONLINE
The Sterling and Francine Clark Institute
9 April 2015
Invited speaker
After Math: An attempted analogy - What (post-race) America can learn from (post-apartheid) South Africa and vice versa at Clark Art institute in Williamstown, Massachusetts
Neville Alexander Commemorative Conference
31 October to 1 November 2014
Reflecting on 20 years of post-apartheid education and celebrating Alexander’s praxis:
Looking back and looking forward at University of Johannesburg, Gauteng
Thinking Making: A brief overview of the ‘emerging arts activist’ program
Msunduzi Museum Conference
1 September 2014
Commemorating 20 Years of Democracy: A different dialogue at Msunduzi Museum, Kwazulu Natal
Between four sprung springs, a crime scene, red-mugabe and a horde of four fives: A critical reflection of the Tension Torsion: 20 Years On exhibition
The Arts of Human Rights Workshop
5 to 7 August 2014
A Collaborative workshop between Bard College, Wiser and the University of Witwatersrand, Gauteng
Beyond the After Math: (Re)negotiating race, memory and consequence
Apartheid Archive Conference
21 to 23 May 2014
Race, place, location, dislocation
Locating the museum: Exploring the tensions of museum-based art interventions
International Visual Sociology Accociation Conference
8 to 10 July 2013
The public image
After Math: An exploration of art as sociological research in post-apartheid South Africa (P116)Apartheid Archive Project-Research
Design Education Forum of South Africa Conference
7 to 8 September 2011
20/20 design vision
Enhancing Learner Performance in Design Education